- Malaysian author -
For enquiries, please write to me using the contact form overleaf.​ Thank you.
Ullapool Book Festival
09 May 2015, 7.30pm
Joint-event with Kerry Hudson
The Village Hall, Ullapool
26 Ocrober 2014
Dundee Literary Festival
Bonar Hall, Park Place, Dundee
3pm - The Mouse Deer Kingdom: Reading and discussion
5.30pm - Translation Slam: Discussion of my translated poem
Wigtown Book Festival
Sunday 5th October 2014, 1.30pm
The Mouse Deer Kingdom: Reading and discussion
McNeillie Tent, South Main Street, Wigtown.
Edinburgh International Book Festival
21 August 2014, 3.30pm
Stories of South East Asia
Joint-event with Michael Arditti
Writers' Retreat
Charlotte Square Gardens
12 Aril 2014, 3pm
Aye Write! Author event
Mitchell Library, Glasgow
7 March 2014, 10.30am - 5.30pm
Intermational Women's Day Conference: Home and Belonging: space and place,
women commonwealth writers and Scotland
University of Edinburgh and Scottish PEN event
5 March 2014, 7pm
Author event hosted by Kirstin Zhang
Kilmacolm Community Centre
22 January 2014, 7.30pm
Reading from The Mouse Deer Kingdom
St Louis Cafe Bar, Glasgow
George Town Literary Festival
30 Novemer 2013
Reading and Panel Discussion - Passionate Minds
Venue: China House
Reading and Panel Discussion - Whose History is it Anyway?
Venue: Sekeping Victoria
7 November 2013, 6.30pm
The Mouse Deer Kingdom - book launch
CCA, Glasgow
2 November 2013, 7.30pm
Reading and talk
Catstrand, New Galloway
13 October 2013
Reading at the Municipal Hall
Palazollo Acreide, Sicily
10 October 2013
Official release of The Mouse Deer Kingdom
15 September - 14 October 2013
Akrai Residency, Sicily
May/June 2012
Cove Park Residency